Why UMAC Matters to Students

University of Minnesota Advanced Careers (UMAC) Initiative fellow Rich Harney volunteered in an undergraduate class, Public Affairs; Community Organizing Skills for Public Action. Rich interviewed Rose Adams (CEHD ‘21) about her perspectives on the experience. Here are some excerpts (with slight editing for clarity) from that interview.

Rich: How did having a nontraditional student in class enhance the learning environment?

College For Grown-Ups

I'm grateful to work on a college campus, to be part of a vibrant learning community where new trails are blazed and life changing breakthroughs are discovered. Stroll through the Scholars Walk at the University of Minnesota and you will understand what I mean. The brilliance of our researchers, scholars, educators, and students inspires awe. I'm proud to be part of a university that is driving discoveries and impact in our local and global communities.

Ready for an Encore to Your Career?

University of Minnesota Advanced Careers can help.

Thinking of leaving your career job but not ready to retire? Or are you yearning for work that is more meaningful, where you can use your skills and experience for the greater good? University of Minnesota Advanced Careers (UMAC) is designed for you.

UMAC is a transformative experience that prepares you for the next phase of life – a gap year for grown-ups.

Benefits of UMAC